The Career and Employment Expo 2017, organized by the University of Namibia (UNAM), was held at the Gym Hall, UNAM, in Windhoek, Namibia during 27th-28th July 2017. We, the study abroad coordinators from Hokkaido University Africa Office in Lusaka, participated at this event where we promoted the study-in-Japan program. Among the participants of this event, a total of 160 university and high school students visited our booth.

This time we also held a small seminar, in addition to putting posters showing information on the study-in-Japan program and provision of brochures and consultation, as was the case last year. Our seminar showed how attractive it was to study in Japan and how the study-in-Japan program is put into practice. The seminar was also attended by Ms. Kaoru YOKOTANI, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Namibia, who explained about the Japanese government scholarship (MEXT Scholarship). Our seminar attracted the participation of 18 university and high school students who had interest in the study-in-Japan program.
We appreciate all the support for our activities in Namibia and wish our promotion in this event brings a new view to Namibian students.